During these unprecedented times, we wanted to bring a little of the fun and joy back into planning your wedding. We have spoken with the regional health representatives at North Somerset Council and with our COVID health precautions in place, they are happy for us to host a wedding fayre.
In order to be Covid-Secure, we’ll be doing things a little differently. There will be a few less exhibitors and ticketed times slots, among other health & safety changes. All attendees will receive a guest pack prior to arrival to ensure a safe and reassuring environment for all. Expect floor plans, process outlines, FAQ’s, our role and behavioural expectations.
Each ticket purchased here is for a couple or two people from the same household/support bubble. Groups larger than two are not permitted.

We have added a small donation fee per ticket with all proceeds going to the Hospitality Action charity. Details from your ticket purchase will also be retained as part of our test and trace policy.
Our Front of House team will be serving Hot Chocolate on departure to help keep you warm and cosy while you enjoy a stroll through our grounds and back to your car.
This is an excellent opportunity to explore our wonderful wedding venue with example wedding breakfast setups, wonderful bedrooms on show and a great selection of our most trusted suppliers.
Please select your session time slot before purchasing a ticket. Sessions are either 10:00-12:00 or 13:00-15:00 with a strict admissions policy. Parking is free, and we look forward to welcoming new and familiar faces. To book your place, please visit: clevedonhall.co.uk/products/weddingfayre